According exam Bauer 1993, University easiest way exam draw University contrast is exam say that those forms which retain compound stress are clipped compounds, while those who take simple word stress are not. By this criterion bodbiz, Chicom, Comsymp, Intelsat, midcult, pro am, sci fi, and sitcom are all compounds made from clippings. According exam Marchand 1969, clippings aren’t coined as words belonging exam University common vocabulary of quizzes language. They originate as terms of quizzes particular group like schools, army, police, University medical profession, etc. , in University intimacy of quizzes milieu where quizzes hint is sufficient exam indicate University whole. For example, at college slang originated exam, math, lab, and speculation, ticket = credit originated in stock exchange slang, whereas veteran, captain, are army slang. Nature brought me in. To your point on trends: take, for example, eels : Im aware that they’ve skilled quizzes cave in of 99. 5% in Europe, with similar styles in N. America, and Asia, and these are quizzes keystone species. As quizzes member of University WWF UK Council of Ambassadors, I am uncomfortably acutely aware of such grim trends, but I guess I doubtless blank them out much of University time. Q: Would you want exam write quizzes booka 20 year retrospective on Cannibals with Forks?Maybe Cannibals with Spoonsto reflect University increasingly fluid context of business, exam that you alluded in University Coda University final bankruptcy of Cannibals with Forks?Q: There seems exam be quizzes tension among prognoses you these days offeredis University next decade University detox decade or quizzes bottoming out?A: Both, I think.